Yes, it has been awhile since my last post. I am sure that you have missed me! And I am sure after you read this post, you will understand where I have been. And this is just a taste of what we have been up to!
2 weeks ago today, Ben had some tests done at the hospital in Duluth. Everything is fine, but the testing was certainly an experience! He had an EEG, which went quite well. And then he had an MRI with sedation. Which means that they drugged my little boy until he was unconscious, so that they could take pictures of his brain. You would think it would be easy to sedate a 39 pound kid, but not if that child is Ben. Every time they would say "when he is asleep" Ben would say " I am not going to sleep- I don't really like to sleep". And he meant it. It took them 3 doses to get him to sleep, because as soon as he would start to drift off (pass out) another machine would make this super loud beeping and Ben would wake up and say (slurringly) "what's that?" and they would drug him again.
After waking him up 3 hours later, Ben could not sit up, stand up, or move without falling over. He threw up three times, before we had to give him a med to counteract the nausea and vomiting from the sedative. Good times, I tell ya! He literally could not stand up or walk all night, and the second med made him high as a kite! Higher than a kite, probably. It was a sight to see- he was actually very funny! So he is fine, and life went on.
Yesterday, we had plans for a fun day with the kids- we were going to the Minnesota Discovery Center (fka Ironworld), to Lowe's for red paint for the living room wall, and then to Pizza Ranch for a fun dinner. However, while at Ironworld (much easier to type), we got a phone call that Josh's uncle was in the hospital, and about to undergo a major surgery. So we hunted down my parents, switched cars (and kids) with them- thank you mom and dad- and headed down to Duluth. We spent the evening in the waiting room with many family members, and were able to find out that he is doing well, and we hope that he will continue to heal.
Today, we were going to bbq in the backyard, and just enjoy some much-needed beautiful weather. At about 4:30, I hear Ben yelling for me, and then see Josh laying in the yard, holding his head. He had fallen while jumping off of one 4-wheeler in the garage, and hit his head on the other 4-wheeler. Blood EVERYWHERE!!!! Gushing from his head (TMI?). Why was Josh on the wheeler? He was getting a volleyball from the rafters. Why use a ladder when you can fall off of a 4-wheeler??? Needless to say, we spent the evening in urgent care getting staples in Josh's head. 4 to be exact, with no numbing meds. Just the staples, and a nice tetanus shot to top it off! Don't worry- he is doing fine, we just have to watch him for altered consciousness- you know, odd behavior. How do I discern that from regular (still odd) behavior? You know, like standing on a 4-wheeler? And then jumping off and cutting your head open?
So we have been busy, and I have had enough doctors and hospitals for a while, thank you!